Empty-Leg request

Kindly note this is the booking request for an empty leg; if you would like to book a tailor-made flight and experience our full, exceptional service, please click below.

Flight request

All Empty-Leg flights can be found on our Instagram account, here.

Important notice: An Empty-Leg flight is a positioning flight to a specific airport or from a specific airport. Therefore, if the client, who flies the normal leg, changes his schedule or cancels his flight completely, your empty-leg flight will be changed or cancelled as well. If a cancellation occurs, we will refund the amount you have paid.

    Authentic & honest travel

    Greenwashing damages our environment. At Lohn Aviation, sustainability commences with fair working conditions, adequate salaries for our entire Team and external service providers. Are you conscious about flying climate-friendly or climate-neutral? Together, let us minimize the fuel consumption for your flight. We are also happy to compensate the CO2 emissions with certificates. We are constantly analyzing ways to protect our environment. Our commitment to enviroment comes from our heart. Showing off is not our style.

    Our Partner